
Quintessential Media Player plug-ins

This page lists the plug-ins I have developed or helped develop for the Quintessential Media Player. Unfortunately this great player is no longer in active development, so this is here mostly for historic reasons at this point.

Some of my newest plug-ins are released as open source and can be found on sourceforge.net:
qplugins initiative @ SourceForge.net


  • QueueIt plug-in v. 1.4 : 7199 downloads from this site
  • WinLIRC plug-in v.1.1 : 6939 downloads from this site
    The source is now hosted at the qplugins initiative @ SourceForge.net.
  • EvilLyrics Launcher v2.0 : 7140 downloads from this site
  • Q.Blog v1.0 : 6566 downloads from this site
  • Playlist Sample plug-in v1.0 : 6808 downloads from this site
  • QCDBASS plug-in : 9145 downloads from this site
    Download from the sourceforge project page
  • Snarl support plug-in. : 6550 downloads from this site
  • Playlist reloader : 6480 downloads from this site
    Small plug-in to fix an annoying bug in b110 and b111, where playlists aren't loaded correctly.
  • MSN - What Im Listening To plug-in : 6710 downloads from this site
    Support for MSN and Miranda IM "What I'm listening to".
    Click the link for newest information about this plug-in...
    Source available from the sourceforge page.
  • A-B Repeat : 5997 downloads from this site
    A simple A-B repeat plug-in. Mark the start and end position of the playing track and the plug-in will keep looping that fragment.
    Sourcecode in sourceforge.net SVN repository.
  • Audioscrobbler plug-in : 8061 downloads from this site
    Plug-in for tracking listening habits. See more on www.audioscrobbler.net and on www.last.fm.
    Sourcecode in sourceforge.net SVN repository.
  • QMP Export : 5810 downloads from this site
    A simple plug-in that lets you export the playlist in XML and XHTML format. Also creates a nowplaying.xml file with information of the currently playing track.
    Sourcecode in sourceforge.net SVN repository.